Our Projects
Our EU Projects
The PA EU’s projects run from Luxembourg and drive industry change to shape the future of the EU payments landscape for all stakeholders.
The “KYT best practices and more - How to plan and set up an efficient AML control framework for payment services” report by The Payments Association EU (PA EU), written in collaboration with Banking Circle and Deloitte provides a comprehensive strategic analysis of best practices in the fight against financial crime and countering financing of terrorism, with the objective to draw a framework in an effort to reconcile both commercial and regulatory requirements in an efficient manner.
The "Regulator" Working Group
Our objective in setting up this working group is to guarantee a "safe space" for our members' compliance officers who wish to discuss regulatory hot topics once a month under the "Chatham house" rule.
The group regularly invites "special guests" such a key officials from the European Commission, local regulators or prominent actors of our industry.
Among the topics discussed recently: the EU Digital financial strategy, MiCAR, Schrems II, EPI...
The group regularly invites "special guests" such a key officials from the European Commission, local regulators or prominent actors of our industry.
Among the topics discussed recently: the EU Digital financial strategy, MiCAR, Schrems II, EPI...
The 2024 “Key Players in the EU Payments Landscape” report by The Payments Association EU (PA EU), written in collaboration with Deloitte and The Paypers offers an exclusive strategic review across EU’s individual payments markets, ranking the key players according to their place in the value chain and financial indicators.
Les paiements en France en 2030 - French speaking project
Mastercard et The Payments Association EU collaborent pour vous présenter le paiement en France en 2030.
En plus d’un livre blanc à paraître, 4 évènements digitaux et physiques sont organisés tout au long de l’année sur les thèmes suivants : Blockchain, vers un monde tokenisé? ; Biométrie, le corps humain nouvelle frontière pour le paiement ? ; IoT, vers des paiements 100% autonomes ? ; La sécurité au défi du quantique ; le tout sans oublier une composante transversale ESG.
En plus d’un livre blanc à paraître, 4 évènements digitaux et physiques sont organisés tout au long de l’année sur les thèmes suivants : Blockchain, vers un monde tokenisé? ; Biométrie, le corps humain nouvelle frontière pour le paiement ? ; IoT, vers des paiements 100% autonomes ? ; La sécurité au défi du quantique ; le tout sans oublier une composante transversale ESG.
Our UK Projects
The PA’s five projects run from London and bring together more than 80 high level volunteers from across the payments industry.
Helps the payments industry support EMIs, PIs, digital banks, and merchants to open and keep open bank accounts for safeguarding funds and everyday trading, and to secure widely accepted understanding of the scale and nature of de-risking and its impact on financial services and businesses.
Drives industry activity to address financial exclusion, informs and collaborates with government and third sector bodies to provide clarity on PayTech innovations and solutions that reduce financial exclusion and the poverty premium, and encourages the payments industry to develop financially inclusive products
Delivers community-driven solutions to address the problems posed by digital and financial criminal activity, and positions the PA and its members as leaders in tackling financial crime.
Encourages trade between PA members and organisations that use payments outside the UK, stimulates the adoption of new payments products and services in emerging markets, and provides access to market intelligence and guidance
Engages regulatory bodies to promote and champion the concerns of PA members in current and future regulation, and drives change through the development of a fairer regulatory landscape for payments companies